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3rd vs 4th place in tourneys

3rd vs 4th place in tourneys
Posted by andresells1 (VIP) Mar 1 2007 9:24AM

The only difference between 3rd and 4th place is whether you were lucky enough to be in the top bracket vs the bottom bracket in the tourney. In reality they are both 3rd places unless 3rd and 4th have a playoff. For stat purposes I would like to see both show up as 3rd places to see how well I'm doing in tourneys and how many times I've been in the money.

3rd & 4th places in tournaments are equally treated
Posted by webmaster (moderator) Mar 1 2007 10:59AM

At this time, 3rd & 4th places in tournaments are treated equally -- the prizes are the same. Should there be different tourneys with different structure (like Swiss) and/or more prizes, 3rd & 4th places may no longer be equivalent. Just for that reason we'd like to keep 3rd & 4th places separate.

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